
We're having a respite from the hot weather - hooray - it is so nice to be able to sleep under a quilt again, even if we also have the mosquito net over us to keep out the mossies. I love a little cool, freshness in the air.
I really feel in holiday mode now. It is the quiet time of year when one can head off, on a whim, to some wonderful destination. Our delightful son has just left for a couple of days at a beach-house with friends, the charming one set off about an hour ago for a few days with mates at Echuca on the Murray River and dear daughter and her prince are coming around this evening for a bar-b-que. It is all so relaxed and easy.
It is a time for pottering, and yes I am making progress with my celebrating. To start I have I have sorted through the abundance in my pantry cupboard and kitchen drawers. Above is a picture of the abundance of blooms on our hydrangea - some blossoms now grace our mantlepiece which I will leave to dry so they will keep through the winter.
More time for browsing through the blog-world is another bonus for this time of year. Even though I visit and do not often leave comments, I do receive great encouragement from reading others' happenings. As yet I haven't mastered placing a list of sites I regularly visit but I may be one of your many silent visitors, your writings are inspiring. Thankyou.
The summer holidays are just wonderful aren't they especially this year as my husband has so much time off work.
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