Celebrating a Year of Abundance

Recently I read of this exciting proposal and similar views to my own were being expressed. I have been blessed with so much and I would like to be more responsible and consciously aware of how I use things. So for the first time I am venturing into the web community and joining a cohort who aim to make 2007 a Year of Abundance.
*This is also the first time I've tried to add a link so I hope it works!
After using the word 'cohort' I thought I should check the definition and found it is a "company of companions or supporters" - how appropriate.
Already these holidays I have been trying to USE what I have more productively and the old "make do and mend" motto of the war years is a good one. I am also trying to NOT USE things.
So to start The Celebration here is my first USE success...

This is a 'found' object and after scraping off the blue, green and yellow paint the beautiful coachwood timber was exposed. I decided to oil the top and the drawer knob and re-paint the rest using left-overs. After searching, I discovered the remains of what we had used to paint dear daughter's bedroom ten years ago. It was perfect.

I lined the drawer with some paper I had bought using a gift voucher, gluing it in place and then using some watered-down PVA to seal it. I finished this yesterday and the all-up cost was only effort and pleasure.
At the beginning of the holidays I had made the decision of NOT USING the car for anything other than long distance trips. So I have been walking or cycling for any shopping and using public transport when travelling further afield. The car is used to go to the cottage. There is an abundance of advantages in this ...
* Exercise
* Serenity (I don't have to battle the traffic and can greet people)
* Increased strength and muscle quality (carrying the groceries!)
* More aware of my surroundings
* Kinder on the environment
* Minimal cost, if any.
So a good start but I do have one question though ... keeping things in case they come in handy (eg. the paint) leads to clutter, the need for storage etc. How does one maintain a happy balance, deciding what to keep or pass on? This year I would like to also focus on an Abundance of Simplicity and to decrease the number of possessions we own ... it's a challenge!
All the best to my fellow Celebrators.
You did a great job--very impressive.
I have a hard time as well, knowing what to keep and what to purge. What I have been thinking as I go through things is: how easy will it be to replace this? In other words, is it something that I see regularly (at yard sales, for example) at a very good price? Or is it costly or not commonly seen?
I enjoyed your post very much and look forward to reading more about your Year of Abundance :)
From one "celebrator" to another, I'm impressed! I don't have an answer to your question, though. Something my husband told me when I was cleaning out some closets not too many weeks ago is that if I have something I am not using but someone else could use right now, then I need to give it away now and trust that the Lord will provide should that be something I need again in the future. Hope that makes sense! Blessings on our journey of abundance! Patricia
I am trying to remember where I read this but failing - it might have been Flylady? The advice about decluttering went somehow along the lines of:
Does it bring you joy?
Do you have another one?
Do you really need it?
When I left university to start work, I decluttered massively. To be honest, I could almost feel a physical burden come off my shoulders. Having lived in my own house for a few years, I think I need to start again so hopefully this Year of Abundance will help.
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