Berry slice

Dear daughter, who is now seven months pregnant, would like to visit her grandparents in Canberra as she knows it will be more difficult once the baby arrives, so we are flying there on Friday for a long weekend. My kind mother-in-law has always welcomed me into her kitchen so I thought I would post this, my latest (adapted wheat and dairy free) recipe, just in case it is needed.
Mix the following dry ingredients:
3 oz SR flour
3 oz quick cooking oats
2 oz brown sugar
mixed spice to taste
Stir in:
3 oz sunflower oil
Press base into lamington tin and bake at 180°C for 10 minutes.
Mix together:
1 oz sunflower oil
3 eggs
5 oz brown sugar
5 oz berries (or sultanas or raisins)
3 oz coconut
grated rind of 1 lemon plus good squeeze of juice
Pour over cooked base and bake for a further 20 minutes.
This is delicious either hot (dessert?) or cold and many apologies for the lack of a photo - friend M was visiting yesterday while I was baking and we started consuming the warm slice without thinking of the missed opportunity of a 'photo shoot'. The other alternative was to photograph the slightly squished slices I took to work this morning (I cycled) but I think it is better to wait until the next freshly baked tray is removed from the oven ...
Meanwhile, as a substitute, the above is a selection of nougat which we couldn't resist while visiting a 'French Market' at Peterborough, England. So friend G, if you are reading this, I hope it brings back some happy memories - it does for us.
Hi Kathy, thanks for coming to visit my blog. Nice to meet another Aussie blogger. I lived in Melbourne for 10 years from 1978 and always loved it and the Victorian countryside. your cottage sounds wonderful.
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