
My knitting is progressing quite well. I am completing a shawl for the precious babe - the same pattern I did for dear daughter when she was a baby - and I'm nearly ready to start the edging. It's lovely to be knitting again, especially for such a special reason.
We saw 'An Inconvenient Truth' at the Rivoli this afternoon and although I had read quite a bit about what Al Gore actually presented, it was still quite confronting and impressed upon me the urgency to continue making changes. We do try ... my darling always cycles and I cycled to 'work' most days this week (only driving once) and I was out again on my bike this afternoon; we have bought an old car which can be run on biodiesel which will make me feel a lot better about driving; fitting a water tank is next on our 'to do' list for the Melbourne house (we already have tanks at our cottage and provide for all our own water needs there); increasing our production by growing more fruit and vegetables is also being discussed and although we are currently with 'Green Energy' our long term plan is to install solar panels. These are only little changes but from what I can tell many more our now becoming increasingly aware and are also doing what they can. It is very encouraging and I'm now hoping politicians will follow suit.
From little acorns mighty oak trees grow!
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