According to police estimates, 30,000 gathered at the Melbourne Town Hall on Saturday to join many tens of thousands of others in cities around Australia to walk against global warming. I shared my city-bound train journey with many elegantly dressed Derby Day racegoers - their attire in stark contrast to jeans, trainers and backpacks of the walkers. It is a long weekend for many as the first Tuesday in November is Melbourne Cup Day (a public holiday for Victorians).

It was a very happy, peaceful gathering of folk from all walks of life, young and old and of various political persuasions. Musicians entertained us as we waited and I loved seeing this horse pass, with the cycle, the walkers, the awning providing shade - and not a car in sight!

At first trams still slowly made their way through, thanks to the helpful police, then the street was closed when the walk was ready to start.

Many walkers were in fancy dress to demonstrate their point, banners and placards were scattered throughout the crowd and this 'PRAY FOR SOAKING RAIN' sign with St. Paul's cathedral in the background was a reminder that even in these times when so much seems out of our control, God, the Creator of this wonderful earth, is in control.

We passed through the intersection at Flinder's Street Station (the only other time I have seen the traffic stopped was at 11 am, 11th November - Rememberance Day) and continued on past Federation Square.

It was here that I was slightly elevated so I could get a glimpse of the size of the gathering as the walkers made their way along the Yarra River.

The view back along the Yarra to the peaceful city - almost looking deserted as the crowd was gathered behind me. It was a memorable, worthwhile day and I'm glad I was part of it.
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