Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Holidays are here and instead of writing more often, I think I am writing less. They actually started with a head cold, so I had to sit quietly by the fire, sipping hot lemon and honey drinks, watching my favourite “1940’s House” series for the first few days.

During this time I knitted up a sample out of ‘Opal’ wool. I do like the colours but the stripes are too wide for what I’m envisaging. It was fun to do as it is a little unpredictable and I do like to find out what colour is next. It also feels lovely. I have been aiming for at least one new square per day for my crocheted granny rug – so far, so good.

On Monday my darling and I cycled into the city to see “A Crude Awakening” at the Nova Cinema. Interesting viewing. Climate change and global warming were not mentioned but it seems that the time of Peak Oil has passed and our society is very much based on oil, so what next? Solar seems to be the only viable option – I was pleased to hear that nuclear (which I am opposed to) would only be a stop-gap at best with the known reserves of uranium only lasting 30 years. I’ll be glad when we get our old car running on veggie oil, which is carbon neutral, in the meantime I guess we’ll continue to do what we can by cycling as much as possible.

The first hole for our planned orchard in the front yard has been dug and filled with compost, but our big project for the holidays is to finish the bathroom. Here is my darling in action as he removed the previous owners’ pink vinyl as well as the original 1950’s green checked lino tiles. I think our home must have been very trendy when it was built and we have decided to keep as much of the original features as possible including the pink suite and the black tiles. We will be putting down a black/cream checked floor. This project is being resumed from the Christmas holidays 18 months ago when a terrible accident with a circular saw occurred, but now that my darling’s thumb has been successfully reattached and his fingers stitched he is ready to resume ...

It’s off to the cottage tomorrow and with snow forecast it will be a little chilly, definitely winter, and very cozy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful photo of Melbourne Kathy, enjoy your time at the cottage. I was keen to see how the knitting turned out so thanks for sharing the photo.

8:47 am  
Blogger Jenny said...

My Auntie has that same pink suite. She built her home in the late 50s and has retained most of the original decoration over the years. It's like a museum.

10:52 am  

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