Term time

These days I am being carried along by the term time tide, so apologies that my postings are few and far between. Nevertheless, life continues along merrily.
Little Belle is now six months old and growing apace. She has a sunny nature, heaps of curiosity and a strong attachment to her mum. We love seeing Dear Daughter, her Prince and little Belle so regularly and feel blessed in our close proximity to them.
Our boys are also into the swing of term time. Charming Son has deferred his uni studies this year and is currently working at a school while the Delightful one is still at uni. Both are away this weekend as leaders of a youth camp. Consequently my darling and I have a weekend together and surprisingly, due to other commitments, we are in the city.
*There is a chance of snow at the cottage so we may travel there later tonight.
Lately I have felt challenged about the use of plastic containers. I guess this is an extension of refusing plastic bags for purchases and not buying plastic wrap. Slowly I have been replacing our plastic storage containers with glass ones and as well as being a healthier option, they look wonderful on the shelves. I recently purchased six lovely french 'Le Parfait' jars for 99 cents each. They hold 500 mls (2 cups) so I have been using them to store leftovers in the fridge as well, the only drawback is the weight when I cycle to school with my lunch the next day - they are hefty!
The weather has been kind and the blossoms are beautiful. A family of kookaburras has taken up residence in the bushland nearby, venturing out during the day, and I love hearing their cheery, laughing call. One morning recently, they sounded so close and on investingating I discovered they were perched on next-door's chimney. My darling and I plan to take a quiet walk through the bush just on nightfall this evening to find out where they are roosting. Our little spot in the city does have many delights.
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