Speedy September

September is flying by with so much to do during the gorgeous weather.
Last weekend my darling and I took the opportunity of cycling into the city to enjoy a picnic at the botanical gardens. We went via church, which was a little disconcerting as after much effort uphill I tend to 'glow' and friends were concerned for my welfare!

The ride by the Yarra River is quite idyllic and many were out on the cycle path.
This is the scene from our little spot, surrounded by foliage and birdsong,

and I couldn't resist showing the welcoming(!) Lych Gate.

This weekend is again beautiful and I have been out and about. Today I painted the first coat of another 'found' object - this old high chair - it will suit Belle very well when she is visiting us for dinner each week.

I used bio-paint which I tinted to a light cream (it looks dazzling white in the sunlight). I am continuing to be conscious of 'celebrating a year of abundance' and to recycle resources as much as possible.

We've put in the first fruit tree of our 'orchard' (front yard) - a Santa Rosa plum - and plan to put in another 6 or 7 trees. Another passionfruit vine was planted and I expect three vines will now keep us well supplied. We have planted them two years apart to produce a constant supply of fruit.
My darling is on the annual cycling camp with school and will be back on Monday evening, both boys attended a lovely wedding this morning and are currently at the reception. Dear daughter and little Belle have just visited, and I must continue on my merry way...
Greetings to you all, and Jenny I hope you received my message about the shawl pins - I left it in your comments section a week or so ago.
Kathy, I did read your comment about the shawl pins when I got back from our holiday. I contacted the store and they are sending two over to me.Thanks for offering to get them for me , that was very kind.
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