Water (or lack of it)

The welcome break turned into a time of sickness and ill health for my darling. He, who rarely is unwell, suffered greatly and although initially I wasn't as sympathetic as I might have been, I soon realized he truly was enduring great pain and distress. All is well now and he even rode his bike to work today for the first time since being confined to the sick bed.
Our cottage is in the catchment area of a dam that is ear-marked to supply water to Melbourne in the future and with the dry seasons we have been experiencing, the city is under pressure. Even though many individuals are doing what they can, stronger measures need to be taken and recently we were informed that regulations are now in place to limit/reduce human habitation in the catchment. Consequently no more building is to take place, including extensions to existing dwellings and as there are only about 18 houses as well as local farms in the area I'm not really sure of the impact. Personally any plans we had for the cottage will no longer occur - it will stay as a 1920's cubby house - but does it mean our whole little hamlet will become a time capsule of the 20th century? Locals have differing opinions and I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

As you can see, the beauty bush (top) has been in flower, the blossoms are brief but stunning. The male and female kiwi fruit plants which were unhappily beside it, have now got much fruit forming after being transplanted in amongst the old boots and bottles. The cherry and pear also are laden, so hopefully we'll be enjoying much fruit this season. The area remains beautifully green and our tanks are full but high temperatures (38 degrees) are forecast for next week so it looks like a hot summer ahead.
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