Happy (hobbling) holidays

It has been a quiet holiday as I've been on crutches most of the time but we've still been able to do a few things ...
... a couple of times away at the cottage - the countryside is lush and green, dams full, blossoms in abundance.

... trips to the city - our dear children had given my darling and I tickets to the Steely Dan concert and the Guggenheim exhibition. What treats these occasions were. I took this photo this afternoon at Federation Square - were these two having fun?
... and this little fellow was quite at home in the restaurant.
... before the accident I had taken over the kitchen bench one morning with my papercraft and later the dining room table with our taxes (but the returns are done - hooray!). Crafting has been limited to a little stitching, but I have done quite a bit of reading as I kept my foot elevated. My darling has put in a satsuma (blood) plum to cross pollinate with the santa rosa, also a mandarin and transplanted a cumquat. The orchard is coming along nicely.
... but even with a swollen foot it has been wonderful to spend lots of time with dear daughter and little Belle with plenty of smiles and cuddles. After seeing this photo I wonder if Belle will have the same coloured hair as me?
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