
I find inspiration strikes unexpectedly. I can be involved in reading a passage, looking at fabric, visiting a friend ... and suddenly I am inspired! It is almost like being "surprised by joy" (C.S. Lewis), then I become focused and passionate about pursuing this sudden inspiration.
When preparing my 'inspiration' page I kept imagining being in a hedge maze and coming across unexpected inspiration 'en route'. I included some of the things that inspire me along the path but being in a maze means that I really don't know what I will find, when it will happen or where the inspiration will take me. As my attention can be solely directed on my inspired project and I admit before having a family I could forgo all other activity, including eating, for hours on end. I put 'passion' as my cabinet piece with a picture of pins in a pincushion as I love stitching.
I found this page to be a fun challenge, and each of these prompts has made me think. I am also appreciating the creativity involved and how my book is coming together. A couple of friends (in Melbourne) have said they would love to see the actual book and that is exactly how I feel when I view the other participants pages. Wouldn't it be great if we could all get together one evening for "show and tell"!
Oh, I love it! I really like how you encorporated all the different elements that inspire you on the path. It's a reallly wonderful piece!
That's a really neat idea with the maze. Sometimes it does feel like that for me too! Just never know what is around the next corner! I would love to see all the pages too. I think I am going to go and add some more to this book since it is so big and keep going with the words I pick myself?? We'll see.
I love your inspiration maze. What a great idea!
That is simply aMAZE-ing :) I love that and for some reason it's reminding me of game boards...
I love this! Is a gorgeous page!
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