Busy, busy

Now that term 1 is underway I sometimes feel I am being swept along by the timetable tide. Instead of having complete days available to fill, or not fill, as the fancy takes me, I am committed at particular times most days of the week. Now this is not necessarily a bad thing as often I am much more productive if a ‘framework’ is already in place and I slot in other activities, but the downside is I can become so busy I am not fully aware of life as it rushes by. This is what concerns me most. I thoroughly enjoy my life and I don’t want it to pass by without my complete attention. I want to be fully aware of the moment.
This week has been full of family and friends and I have loved every minute. Overnight stays, shared meals, quick visits. I want all these wonderful activities to pass at a slower pace – but maybe instead of a change of pace, I need a change of attitude … one of thankfulness!
Rather than being full of dismay that it all passes so quickly, I need to look at it all with a heart of gratitude, appreciative of every precious moment – no matter how fleeting!
Thou has given me so much...
Give me one thing more, a grateful heart.
George Herbert
I LOVE your blog and not just because I get to see some green when I'm surrounded by white (after a blizzard!).
Kathy's hubby:
Indiana, USA
Exquisite photo - Yes I wish visits not so rushed, but they are precious anyway.
Many thanks Kathy
Love from
no longer a "lurker"
Thank you for your kind comment anonymous. I'm glad you like the photo - it was taken at our cottage - and that you're no longer "lurking" but I'm still mystified as 'anonymous' doesn't help me much! Another clue please?
Dear Kathy,
sorry did not mean to be anonymous -still learning.
We are enjoying your homemade worstershire sauce!
God bless.
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