Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Dear daughter and her prince celebrated their first wedding anniversary on Sunday and what a wonderful year it has been.

Time is an unfathomable thing. Remembering that happy day only one year before and realizing it now belongs to a foreign country 'The Past' makes one relish the present while still enjoying the memories. Often I find myself thinking “there is nowhere I would rather be than right here enjoying ……!” Yesterday it was the walk in the sunshine with dear daughter and little Belle; it was also hanging the clothes on the line in the fresh breeze; it was enjoying some delicious wedding cake kept especially for the anniversary; and it was sleepily snuggling under a cozy quilt with my darling. Life’s treasures!

P.S. Here I am in action preparing the wedding cake (it was fun with my sister and aunt lending a hand). Dear daughter asked me to bake a fruit cake for the top tier so it would keep and she wanted chocolate mud cakes for the bottom three - they were enjoyed at the time.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Catch up

All creation seems to be celebrating as we experience the most gorgeous weather. Cooler temperatures, sunny days and even some rain. Autumn has arrived and it is wonderful. Fresh, crisp new days emerge filled with promise, especially up at the cottage as we look out from our front verandah (above) over the beautiful countryside.

We've also been celebrating and this is little Belle all dressed up for her Mum's birthday last week. She looked so sweet in her pretty dress and she charmed all the visiting friends and relatives. "Bella". (Her Mum is also looking lovely and doing very well but her Dad has been a little poorly lately).

With only two weeks until holidays, my darling is counting down the days as he is taking his hockey boys to New Zealand for a tour. A great time has been planned. I hope to potter around at home, just taking time for simple pleasures including a cot blanket I have started crocheting. It is an afghan which is based on granny squares and I will write about it with photos of my progress soon.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Back at the cottage

While waiting for Belle’s birth we didn’t visit the cottage for several weeks so on our arrival we were greeted by a beautiful sea of yellow dandelions and news that both of our neighbours had killed a number of snakes. Now snakes are common in the area during the summer months and I am happy for them to roam in the countryside...
Although I love the wilder, overgrown look, the dandelions were quickly mown.

With an absence of rain the countryside had dried off. This tends to happen at the end of summer but it has been particularly dry this year. The rolling hills which are usually lush and green had browned off, certain plants were suffering, but the beautiful old roses were still in bloom.

Breathing the fresh air, taking in the space and viewing the setting sun was a joy.

Monday, March 05, 2007

The country

Our little cottage is in a small hamlet of about 18 or 20 houses surrounded by dairy farms. The countryside of rolling green hills is usually lush and fertile and the sense of peace and space is palpable. We used to live in this beautiful area before moving to the city and missed it so much that we bought our little place so we could visit. In a strange way it also helped me settle into the city, just knowing the cottage was there, waiting, and on a whim we could easily arrive for lunch or a mid-week overnight stay. It freed me from feeling trapped in the city.

We are third from the end of the string of houses that straddle the road, and have farmland opposite and behind. The cottage is getting close to 100 years old now and was originally only three rooms: bedroom, lounge and kitchen, with a verandah front and back. Over the years the back verandah was enclosed to make two further bedrooms and a new back verandah built on. Later this verandah was also enclosed to make a bathroom and laundry, the sloping ceiling by this time being so low no further additions are possible.

It is like a little cubby house and we love it. It has its own character with rough-hewn floor boards, quirky doors, wood fire heating and tank water. We have a large backyard and our dogs joyfully express the sense of freedom we all feel as they run around in delight. We often eat out-of-doors – breakfasts on the front verandah to take advantage of the morning sun, picnic lunches in the backyard in the shade of the native oak, or long evening meals taking in the rays of the setting sun. On occasions when the summer nights have been warm and clear we have dragged our mattress outside to sleep under the starry skies. Perfect. (… to be continued)