Thursday, May 24, 2007

The ever-rolling stream

It was three years ago today that my mother died. Since then, on this anniversary date, I have spent some time by water thinking and contemplating. Whatever the weather I love to go by the bay, but on this gorgeous autumn day I went to the Yarra River (above) for a while and then met dear daughter and little Belle for morning tea.

Even though some are no longer with us, memories linger and the generations continue. Life is precious.
"Time, like an ever-rolling stream,
Bears all its sons away;"
Isaac Watts (from Psalm 90)

Monday, May 07, 2007

Autumn and the winds of change

Autumn has definitely arrived and there is a certain chill in the air most evenings. Up at the cottage the season is more advanced and the colours are stunning. To ‘ring in the changes’ I have replaced the ‘ambling along’ spring view from our front verandah with the autumn one.

Melbourne too is full of russet colours and many streets are lined with deciduous trees which are now dropping their leaves. I took these images at work today as I love viewing the changing seasons in the grounds. As you can see it is a beautiful environment to spend each day and I now can’t imagine working anywhere else.

Speaking of changes, my darling thinks that sooner rather than later is the best time to move to the home of our 'autumn years'. Now that we are grandparents (and approaching the grand old age of fifty!) we need a Nanna’s House with facilities like public transport and shopping close by. Recently we discovered such a place nearby, “Rose Cottage”, and I must admit that I’m tending to agree with him as already the thought of all that a move entails is daunting, so I can imagine how I would feel in 15 or 20 years time. I think I would just put the whole idea into the ‘too hard basket’!

If we do decide to move I’ll just have to add one condition … chooks will be essential at Nanna and Pa’s house!

I would appreciate any of your thoughts on this issue.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Belle's baptism

Lately life has continued on its beautiful, busy path with gorgeous (and sometimes even rainy) weather, time for pottering around with craft, a little cycling and socializing with family and friends.

Little Belle was baptized on Sunday and to mark this special occasion I assembled a little ‘treasure box’ for her. I was inspired by the lovely book boxes in the recent edition of Somerset Studio and as we were giving her a little gold bracelet engraved with her name, I thought a special box to hold it would be nice. The idea grew.

I painted and papered a plain box, hinges and a chain were added. Inside I placed a ‘framework’ for the smaller box. I then decided to add a verse my grandmother wrote for me when I was a girl. “A good name is rather to be had than great riches and a loving favour than silver or gold”. It is from Proverbs 22:1 and I put it inside the lid.

Then inspiration continued with the beautiful hope star here, so I added more ‘treasure’ with faith, hope and love. It was ready on Saturday so she could wear her bracelet on the day.

That Saturday night we all travelled to Bendigo for a nephew’s 21st birthday. Many relatives were there including all of my darling’s siblings – it is rare to have the five gathered together. We arrived back in Melbourne at about 1 a.m. for a few hours sleep before the apparently traditional “dressing of the baby”.

Little Belle was so good. After such a long journey and late night she was happily dressed in all her finery and passed around from person to person for many photos. She was good at church, only crying when the water was poured on her, and then slept through the delicious lunch – all five courses!

What a weekend but how privileged we are with our lovely family and what a joy that we can share in these wonderful celebrations.