Sunday, October 21, 2007

Bloom where you’re planted …

It’s “Around the Bay in a Day” weekend and after a 4.30 a.m. start my darling spent the day (as he does each year) on his bike cycling the 240 kilometres with 14,000 others. He has experienced all types of weather and this year it was hot and windy – but he loved it and I am impressed, yet again.

While he was pedalling away, I spent some time reading by the Yarra River before going to church. The current sermon series is on 1 Corinthians and today was chapter 7, not an easy one to preach on I am sure.

I tend not to write about sermons, but the message today was basically bloom where you are planted.

One of the things I have had to address in recent years is the fact that we now live in the city and having lived most of my life in the country, city living is a little foreign. Fortunately over the (nearly 9) years I have been able to consider the positives – and there are many – and to be thankful.

I was so pleased to be reminded that whatever state we are in … married or single, rich or poor, living in the city or the country … we must live the best we can. God has a purpose for each of us and the least I can do is to bloom in the place He has chosen for me.

Blessed Be Your Name
In the land that is plentiful
Where Your streams of abundance flow
Blessed be Your name

Blessed Be Your name
When I'm found in the desert place
Though I walk through the wilderness
Blessed Be Your name

Every blessing You pour out
I'll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say

Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your name …

We closed by singing “Blessed Be Your Name” (by Matt Redman), I am truly blessed and hope that in all circumstances I will always be able to acknowledge this and bloom in great abundance.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Happy (hobbling) holidays

It has been a quiet holiday as I've been on crutches most of the time but we've still been able to do a few things ...

... a couple of times away at the cottage - the countryside is lush and green, dams full, blossoms in abundance.

... trips to the city - our dear children had given my darling and I tickets to the Steely Dan concert and the Guggenheim exhibition. What treats these occasions were. I took this photo this afternoon at Federation Square - were these two having fun?

... and this little fellow was quite at home in the restaurant.

... before the accident I had taken over the kitchen bench one morning with my papercraft and later the dining room table with our taxes (but the returns are done - hooray!). Crafting has been limited to a little stitching, but I have done quite a bit of reading as I kept my foot elevated. My darling has put in a satsuma (blood) plum to cross pollinate with the santa rosa, also a mandarin and transplanted a cumquat. The orchard is coming along nicely.

... but even with a swollen foot it has been wonderful to spend lots of time with dear daughter and little Belle with plenty of smiles and cuddles. After seeing this photo I wonder if Belle will have the same coloured hair as me?