Australia Day 2008

The "First Fleet" arrived on this day in 1788 so there has been 220 years of white settlement here. My ancestors (some convicts) were early arrivals and I wonder how much of the country they would recognise today. Last night we attended a special ceremony at Daylesford where two friends became Australian citizens. I found it quite moving and a privilege to attend.
The event was more meaningful as the country area where these friends have settled, buying land and 'farming' is actually where my ancestors came during the gold rush. I have copies of the birth and marriage certificates of my great-grandmother, records of the deaths of a number of her siblings - how did my great-great-grandmother cope in such harsh conditions? Her husband was a sawyer rather than a miner so I guess his income was more reliable. When driving on along the country lane and passing the Glenlyon cemetery I wonder about the little graves dug so long ago.
A speaker referred to the 'journey' the new citizens were on. We are all on a journey and often I feel part of my journey is continuing that which was started in this 'new land' generations ago. I'm very thankful to be part of that continuum.
Greetings to you all on this wonderful day - Australia Day!