
It has been a delightful weekend with gorgeous weather, beautiful countryside and a celebration - our 29th wedding anniversary. We have been so blessed sharing all these wonderful years together.
As the end of November approaches, our surroundings seem to have come to life. This time of year is one of restlessness and anticipation for me as I look forward to Christmas and the long summer holidays but as I grow older I am more aware of the energy of spring and the excitement of nature. Each spring we have birds nesting and above is this year's nest at the back of our house behind the trellis of the grape vine (this is for Maryjaneyviolet - the motherbird wasn't present when I took the photo, but she has returned watched me carefully as I just hung the clothes on the line). I think the most imaginative nest was in my bicycle basket up in the rafters but we've also had one in the camelia outside the loungeroom window where we could easily view the progress of the little family. Another spring the Charming One was kept awake with the constant chirping from the nest in the branches shading his bungalow. The garden now looks fresh and green after recent rains and the paddocks around our cottage have been recently mown giving the countryside a patchwork appearance. All is inviting.

I have been very busy with two hands lately as I am due to have surgery this afternoon and my left hand will stitched and pinned for a number of weeks. The Christmas cakes are baked, the puddings done, the advent calendars at the ready - including a new one for Belle's first Christmas. I have made a little Christmas dress for her as well and have happily sat in the sunshine working on a (long overdue) cross-stich.
So now I am enjoying the morning, quietly collecting all that is necessary for my hospital stay and pondering a quieter, slower approach to Christmas this year. I am truly thankful that even though I will be 'one handed', I am surrounded by loving and willing hands, ever ready to help.